Green Crack


Green Crack


Green Crack

Green Crack tends to be go-to medication for those people who like to medicate all day without having to take more every few minutes. It will let you forget about smoking completely and just enjoy whatever you are doing. Also considered great before a long night out, as it’ll leave you focused and aware of your surroundings. Just don’t medicate with this before bed or you will be up for a few more hours than you probably wanted to be.
Green crack is an incredible hybrid with this particular batch having a slightly more dominant indica side. It is a perfect daytime medicine and is used to treat many kinds of anxiety and stress disorders. Creative individuals enjoy it because it sparks creativity. Many musicians and writers find it relieves creative block. Good daytime medicine without the speedy feeling you sometimes get with a pure sativa.


Green Crack

Green Crack tends to be go-to medication for those people who like to medicate all day without having to take more every few minutes. It will let you forget about smoking completely and just enjoy whatever you are doing. Also considered great before a long night out, as it’ll leave you focused and aware of your surroundings. Just don’t medicate with this before bed or you will be up for a few more hours than you probably wanted to be.
Green crack is an incredible hybrid with this particular batch having a slightly more dominant indica side. It is a perfect daytime medicine and is used to treat many kinds of anxiety and stress disorders. Creative individuals enjoy it because it sparks creativity. Many musicians and writers find it relieves creative block. Good daytime medicine without the speedy feeling you sometimes get with a pure sativa.

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Author Rating
Aggregate Rating
5 based on 1 votes
Brand Name
Medical Marijuana
Product Name
Green Crack Reserve
USD 55
Product Availability
Available in Stock
Weight .25 oz


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